One Simple Publicity System Gets You
The Credibility And The Exposure You Need
To Find Your Dream Clients And Impact More Lives!
Hey There Fellow Entrepreneur,
Let me ask you a quick question: What do Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Barack Obama, and Oprah Winfrey have in common?
You see… Some people think that being “famous” is all about padding the ego and having everyone know your name.
Others think fame is about making more money and living a life of greed.
You want to know the truth?
When you have “FAME” people trust you enough to buy from you.
When you have “FAME” you become more visible to the people you can truly help.
With it, you can scale your impact and help more people than you’ve ever imagined.
If you’re anything like most online entrepreneurs, your answer is probably somewhere between “Unknown” and “Small Following.”
If that’s the case, I have to throw some tough love at you:
That may scare you. Some people don't like the spotlight. Some are afraid of the attention. Some are more comfortable staying small.
And, for others, even amidst the fear, they are craving to play bigger…
The very idea that they could be the Oprah Winfrey of their industry and have THAT level of impact is both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time!
If that's you, then listen up, because I used to be right where you are.
Hi - I’m Amanda Goldman-Petri. I’m the Co-Founder of Fame For Good, and I started out as an entrepreneur at the ripe age of 21. Some would say that my early days as an entrepreneur were a success, because I…
- Had my first $10K month in 4 months at the age of 22
- Generated $150K in 4 months at 23
- Generated $120K in 90 days at 25
The truth is, though: I was playing small. I was afraid of being visible and so, I reached an “Impact Ceiling” with only about 1,000 people following me, a handful of clients, and a limit to the impact I could make on the world.
I am embarrassed to admit that when I looked around at the leaders in the coaching industry, I was ENVIOUS of their reach:
- I saw Jenn Scalia and Kimra Luna inspiring TENS OF THOUSANDS of entrepreneurs to join their communities and commit to changing their lives.
- I saw Chantelle Adams working with other entrepreneurs to build schools in Nicaragua.
- I saw Russell Brunson generating millions of dollars for charity.
I realized that my success couldn’t be measured by my revenue, but by the number of people I’ve truly helped.
That’s when I made the conscious decision to STOP:
- Focusing on revenue
- Hiding from the spotlight
- Allowing my fear to rule me
- Limiting my impact
And instead focus on:
- Expanding my REACH
- Becoming KNOWN
- Growing a following of people I can truly help
I looked at what these leaders were doing to expand their reach and I realized the answer was simple:
If I could master Publicity, I could tap into the listenership of big Podcasts, I could tap into the readership of major Blogs and Online Magazines, and I could massively expand my reach for free, without having to pay for Facebook Ads and without having to spend countless hours putting together Telesummits or Giveaways.
If I could master Publicity, I could build credibility, fame, and authority while also getting exposure for my business.
I knew it was the answer, but the problem was: I had no degree in PR, no experience in working with the media, and very little time to figure it out.
So I dropped EVERYTHING. I stopped launching. I stopped building funnels. I stopped all of the stuff the gurus tell you to do and I just focused 100% on getting Publicity so that I could expand my credibility and reach. Here’s what happened:
- I got myself onto 50 Podcasts In 60 Days, including the famous Entrepreneur on Fire
- I was featured on Fast Company TWICE, as well as on other major publications like YFS Magazine and Smart Hustle Magazine!
- I was even mentioned in an article on Forbes
- I was named one of the Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30 By Influencive Magazine
- Named one of the Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30 By The Tampa Bay Business Journal
- My Facebook Group won an APEX Award for Excellence on Social Media
- My Podcast won an APEX Award for Publication Excellence
- I secured Guest Writing spots on Huffington Post, Influencive, and more!
And you know what? IT WORKED
- My community size DOUBLED in 72 hours from that one article on Fast Company
- My Facebook Group grew to over 10,000 followers (and my list... DOUBLE THAT!)
- I generated $562,000.00 in 4 months!
- I welcomed clients in 31 countries across EVERY CONTINENT (except Antarctica)!
- Suddenly, I had clients flying from all across the globe to meet with me in person!
It’s all being made available to you in my program:
The Simple Publicity System That Gets You The Credibility And
The Exposure You Need To Find Your Dream Clients
And Increase Your Impact Right Now!
I have taken my years of experience in getting publicity for myself and my business, and poured it into this program that covers virtually EVERY publicity strategy you could possibly need to become Famous in your niche and reach the dream clients you were meant to help.
Let’s take a look at what’s inside “FAME”...
Standing Out To The Media
Wouldn’t it be awesome to have media reps, podcast hosts, influential bloggers and more begging to interview you… drooling over your high-impact brand… and jumping on the chance to say “YES!” to your pitches?
You’re going to learn exactly how to stand out to the media using the SAME strategies I used to go from a 10% pitch acceptance rate to over 75%... and to get publications and media to reach out to me… even when I’d never pitched them!
We’ll show you exactly what producers, editors, podcast hosts, and many others are looking for in pitches… and what makes them accept pitches almost instantly! And not only that, you’ll discover how to set up your juicy brand for maximum attention, so that you get publicity without having to pitch at all.
During this training, you’ll create your own F.A.M.E. Kit, including one-sheets, media pages, signature speeches, pitch angles, media biographies, and much more! It’s your “arsenal of authority” to scale your brand as big as you want it to be!
Getting Interviewed On Podcasts
You can be featured on wildly popular podcasts to leverage their audiences and establish yourself as a highly credible expert in your niche... and we can show you how!
I'm going to show you the same strategies I used to book 50 podcast interviews in 60 days… which helped me get on Entrepreneur on Fire (no easy feat!) AND double the size of my Facebook group. I even turned many of the hosts who interviewed me into long term paying clients!
I’m pulling back the curtain to show you EVERYTHING I did… I’m giving you every single pitch I used, done-for-you research on every podcast I pitched, and even the Standard Operating Procedure document I gave my assistant so she could pitch (and book) more podcasts for me… without requiring me to lift a finger!
You’re going to perfect your pitch for any type of podcast – small, large, niche, whatever – so you can even get booked on the top podcasts on your “dream list.”
Now, fair warning: This isn’t all theory and “busy work.” You’ll actually be pitching podcasts on your list! (See, I TOLD you this is a seriously hands-on program. But when you have podcast interviews booked well before you’ve even finished the program… I suspect you’re going to thank me for it!)
Writing Guest Blogs On Major
Industry Sites
Guest blogging is a powerful way to spread your authority all over the Inter-webz. It gives you the chance to expose new audiences to your super-genius ideas (and,of course, reel in new clients to keep your account stuffed with cash).
I remember when my FIRST guest post was published on Huffington Post. It was shared hundreds of times and popped up in more Facebook groups than I could count… and that was just within the first 24 hours! My SECOND guest post got so much traction that they bumped it to the top of the Business section within just a couple of hours!
What do you think all of that did for my fame and authority?
Yep… it brought me new followers (and clients) by the truckload. And In this training, you’re going to find out how to do it too.
Just like in the podcast training, I’m going to give you ALL of my pitches and detailed info on EVERY guest blog I’ve pitched. And I’m giving you the Standard Operating Procedure document my assistant used to secure countless guest posts AND even write a bunch of them for me!
And you’re going to learn how to reach out to the “big guys” in your industry and pitch the right stories… so you can get your guest posts in front of more eyeballs. We’ll also cover proven strategies for getting your stories shared virally, which means TONS of free publicity!
Getting Feature Articles Written About You And Your Business
There’s media… and then there’s your “dream media” – the publications, shows, blogs, and other outlets that would make you drop your sammich and dance around the room if you found out they were going to feature you.
In this training, we’re going to work on getting your brand featured in your dream media. There was a time when I had to watch my buddies getting featured in Business Insider, Fast Company, Huffington Post, etc… and lament the fact that I wasn’t the one getting the attention.
Thankfully, those days are far behind me. I’ve been named one of Influencive’s Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30, as well as one of the Top 100 Badass Female Entrepreneurs to Follow In 2017. My Facebook Group was named One of the Top 12 Facebook Groups to Follow, myPodcast was named one of the Top 7 Podcasts To Up Your Entrepreneurial Game, and, heck, I have an invite-only entrepreneur council scouting me! I have my name and story showing up in more places than I could possibly count!
You can have that too. And Minling and I will give you all the training, insights, and experience you need to make it happen. You’ll learn how to target your dream media list and get the OMG features you need to catapult yourself to rockstar status.
Oh, and if you haven’t already guessed… you’ll actually be pitching to your dream media this week. So get ready to do some dancing!
Leveraging Your Credibility And Exposure
To Find More Of Your Dream Clients
Look, enjoying fame and authority is an incredible feeling… but let’s face it, you want to make some serious money, too!
In this training, you’re going to discover the easiest, most reliable strategies for turning your fame into fortune – that is, real money you can spend on the cool stuff you want and deserve.
Now, some of what you’ll learn here will be a bit unconventional. That’s because I’m a marketing nerd, and not just a publicist coach. I know that all the fame in the world isn’t going to help you if you can’t turn it into reliable income.
Don’t worry, though… unconventional is a good thing. It’s what let me rake in $562K in the first 120 days after I launched my publicity efforts!
I’m going to show you how money works into the F.A.M.E. formula, so that all of your efforts pay off with a huge bump in income. And during this week’s training, you’ll be making an offer to the fans you’ve attracted through your F.A.M.E. strategies, so that you can start enjoying all that cash ASAP!
These templates take the stress and guesswork out of creating your one sheet and media kit… and making them effective so that other influencers and media reps want top romote you and your business!
When you use these tried-and-true pitch templates to approach high profile bloggers, podcasters, and media reps in your niche, getting the "YES" just becomes easy peasy!
As you scale your marketing and expand your business, you’re going to need help to get everything done and still enjoy your rock in’ lifestyle. But how do you know your assistant is doing things the way you want them done? With my Standard Operating Procedure template, it’s easy – your assistant can simply use the completed SOP as a blueprint for handling tasks on your behalf… without all the guesswork and costly errors!
HARO is a great resource for finding Feature opportunities, but it is HIGHLY competitive and you must know how to pitch correctly if you want to get results with the platform. Luckily, I have about an 80% success rate with my HARO pitches and have secured countless features using the platform. In this training, I'll show you how!
Radio Guest List is a great resource for finding Podcast opportunities, but it is HIGHLY competitive and you must know how to pitch correctly if you want to get results with the platform. Luckily, I have a VERY HIGH success rate with my Radio Guest List pitches and have secured countless podcast interviews using the platform. In this training, I'll show you how!
With fame comesopport unity – you’ll have the chance to connect and collaborate with other pros who can help you provide even more value to your pack… and put your offers in front of their audience too! I’ve included my Collaboration Pitch Template to simplify the process of approaching another coach or entrepreneur with your collaboration idea.You’ll be able to construct an effective pitch that gets you a resounding “YES!” in no time flat!
When you're being interviewed on a podcast or applying what you learn here to get booked on stages, it's going to be necessary for you to have a Signature Talk. This way you know exactly what to say, how to share your story, how to position yourself, explain your message, and get your listeners to buy. In this training, we'll show you exactly how to craft that signature talk!
With all of these podcast interviews, guest blogs, and features, you'll have plenty of content you can repurpose for later use. In this training, we're going to show you the smart way to leverage all of your content so that you have an endless stream of content going out on all platforms - you'll be crazy visible, your followers will wonder how you seem to be every where all of the time!
Because I don’t believe in just handing you a bunch of trainings and then telling you to figure out how to use them on your own, we’re including plenty of support and access so that you can get all of your questions answered!
2 times per month, for the next 60 days, we will meet as a group to get your questions answered. You will share with us what is and isn’t working for you, and get the guidance you need to make the right decisions to grow your credibility and exposure each and every day!
If you’re still stuck for answers (or you just want to hang out with other tennis pros who are willing to share what’s working for them), you’re getting access to our private Facebook group too!
It’s a great place to get answers to any questions you have while working with and implementing the strategies. We’re very positive and laid back, so don’t be shy about asking questions or just saying “hello!”
This is everything that you need to build your industry fame, become a trusted expert in your field, and blow through that impact ceiling!
But I don’t just want you to take my word
for it. Take a look at some of our successes:
Right now, you have a choice to make.
You can keep playing it small… and accept the cap that puts on your impact (and income)...
You can take advantage of the one and only program that gives you a full suite of publicity and media trainings crafted specifically for online entrepreneurs… and the loads of support to help you get more credibility and exposure right now!
The choice is yours…
But if you want to build a successful business that provides you with plenty of fulfillment, satisfaction, and income for decades to come… you owe it to yourself to take advantage of this limited offer today:
As a member, you’re getting ALL of this in one convenient, instantly accessible package:
Your Core Training Pack, including:
- Standing Out To The Media
- Getting Interviewed On Podcasts
- Writing Guest Blogs On Major Industry Sites
- Getting Feature Articles Written About You And Your Business
- Leveraging Your Credibility And Exposure To Find More Of Your Soul Clients
Your Core Template Pack, including:
- Media Kit Templates
- Media Pitch Templates
- Publicity “Standard Operating Procedure” Templates
Your Core Bonus Pack, including:
- HARO Pitch Best Practices
- Radio Guest List Best Practices
- Building Relationships With Influencers
- Creating Your Signature Talk
- Work Smarter Content Creation
Your Core Support Pack, including:
- Group Q&A Coaching Calls
- Private Facebook Group Access
Remember when I told you I have clients in 31 different countries? Yeah. I would normally charge these clients $30,000 for something like this (and, trust me, I’d sell it with ease too). But, because I want to “give back,” I’m not even going to charge a fraction of that amount!
Need to keep your costs in check? Don’t worry…
We intentionally priced this program to not only make it affordable for the everyday entrepreneur, but to also make it easy for you to cover your costs by implementing even just one of our strategies.
In fact, when you complete your order today, you’re getting the entire program for just…
Or, 5 Payments of $159
Get $200 OFF For Black Friday Only! This Deal Expires In:
Here’s my personal pledge to you
I believe that, as an entrepreneur, you are in a unique position to create MASSIVE, positive change in the lives of the people you work with...And that’s a pretty big deal!
It’s my job to help you change as many lives as possible. So I pledge to you that I’ll only equip you with the very best trainings, strategies, templates, tools, and resources to take all the guesswork out of getting publicity and exposure for your business. And I’ll be available to answer questions in the private Facebook group so that you never have to worry about figuring things out on your own.
Oh, and once you’ve had a chance to dive into the training and implement the strategies into your business, shoot me a message over in the private Facebook group. I’d LOVE to hear how The “FAME” Program helps you!
Amanda Goldman-Petri
P.S.: If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs I know, you probably can’t remember the last time you really had some “me time” to just relax and do your own thing! So the last thing you want to do after you’ve completed your mile-long checklist for the day is worry about publicity pitches!
Please know the trainings you’ll access and the strategies we’ll teach you are intentionally designed to get BIG results with MINIMAL effort. We also aim to make them as systematic as possible so that you can turn them into habits that easily integrate with your every day schedule.
QUESTION: What is FAME, and who is it for?
ANSWER: FAME is a program for online entrepreneurs who want to become famous in their industry and use that fame for good. FAME isn’t about padding your ego. It isn’t about the bragging rights. It isn’t even about making more money. FAME is about getting the credibility and the exposure you need to impact more lives.
QUESTION: How is this different than the other publicity courses out there?
ANSWER: Most publicity courses are typically run by Publicists who haven't run actual businesses and are solely focused on landing the media. They therefore know little when it comes to actually leveraging that media to increase your impact and income. This program fills in that gap.
QUESTION: What makes you qualified to teach this?
ANSWER: Amanda is known as a coach who actually cares deeply about her clients' results. She has spent YEARS honing coaching skills, paying loads of money for Certifications and learning how to get my clients better results FASTER, because that is more important than anything else. And, well, her results speak for themselves.
- First $10K month in 4 months at the age of 22
- over $150K in 4 months at the age of 23
- Booked over $120K in 90 days at the age of 25
- Booked $562K in 120 days at the age of 26
- Served nearly 300 HAPPY clients in my first year of this business
- Cash Injection clients generated $13,500 on average in 3 weeks!
- Featured on Fast Company multiple times, Forbes, YFS Magazine, Smart Hustle Magazine, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, Small Business Trendsetters, Wall Street Select, The Huffington Post, and more!
- Named one of the Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30
- Named one of the Top 100 Women to Follow in 2017
- Podcast Named one of 60 Best Podcasts For Creative Entrepreneurs
- Podcast Named one of 7 Top Podcasts for Entrepreneurs
- Facebook Group Named one of Top 12 By Fast Company
- Won 2 APEX Awards for Publication Excellence in 2017
- Interviewed on 50 Podcasts in 60 Days
- Have Collaborated with and Interviewed 100+ Millionaires and Influencers
QUESTION: Shouldn't I just hire a publicist to do this for me?
ANSWER: A publicist typically costs $5,000 PER MONTH and most have at least a 3 month contract in place. This typically comes with no guaranteed number of features at all, but in my experience most publicists will get you 1-4 features per month. So you're basically paying $15,000 to get 4-16 features total (that's up to $3750 per feature)! Most publicists also typically do ZERO training on how to leverage the features they’ve gotten you, so you may get features but make no money in return.
QUESTION: How long will I have access to the content for?
ANSWER: Your program content access will be life-time and you will also receive life-time access to any UPDATES I do to the content for free (meaning, no need to re-purchase if I change the modules or re-run the program). This is standard practice in my business for all of my programs.
QUESTION: How much time do I need to commit to this program?
ANSWER: I aim to keep my programs actionable, so that you're not drowning in information, and instead you're focused on actually implementing. Therefore, we keep our trainings laser focused on only the information you need to know.
QUESTION: When will you offer this again? Why should I sign up now?
ANSWER: At this time, we have no date picked out for the next run of this program. That's because I am very chill marketer and business owner, and like to go with the flow. I plan out 1 year in advance max. At this point, a FAME relaunch is not on the schedule just yet, so you will want to get in now or you may be waiting a long time. Finally, you should also know the first time I launch something, that's always the best deal, so you should always get in early. Typically with me, the earlier you join, the better deal you get. Hence, the awesome Wait List special!
QUESTION: What is the investment and are there payment plans?
ANSWER: USUALLY to join, it is just one payment of $995, or 5 monthly payments of $199. FOR BLACK FRIDAY ONLY you can join for $200 off, making it $795 or 5-payments of $159 per month. There is no financing fee, so the total is the same either way and either option is fine by us, so just pick whichever one feels good for you!
QUESTION: What is your refund policy?
ANSWER: I am 100% committed to supporting you in increasing your industry fame, getting publicity, and turning that into more impact and income for your business.
That being said...
This is a refund-free zone. Partially because I know that I show up 200% fully and give a million times more value, availability, and support than any other coach out there (trust me, I've invested A LOT in coaching).
I have an entire webinar just on the topic of how I intentionally craft my content to get A+ client results... I genuinely put A LOT of time, thought, effort, and planning into knocking the experience out of the park for you.
And so, YOU have to be willing to hold up your end of the deal. Deal? Let’s pinky promise!
Put in the effort, follow through with the system I teach you, and we will create success together.
It's also partially because I believe in Money Karma and that we must own our buying decisions and actions, recognizing that they impact others beyond just ourselves. Just as you would not buy food to make dinner, then take the food back when you decide not to eat dinner, you should treat service businesses with the same respect. It's just good Karma, dude.
QUESTION: What if I still have questions?
ANSWER: Shoot me an email at - I'll answer personally!
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