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This Site is provided by Fame For Good, LLC and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries for your and others’ personal enjoyment, subject to the terms and conditions of use. In using the Site, you are consenting agreement to these terms and conditions of use. Fame For Good, LLC may change these Terms periodically without actual notice to you. Such changes will appear on the Site. In using this site after posted changes, you agree to accept those changes, whether you have reviewed them or not. If you do not accept all of the terms of this agreement, you are not authorized to use any materials on this site.
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This site and all materials on it are protected under United States copyright laws, which give creators of original works of authorship the exclusive right to use their works for a limited period of time. With certain exceptions, copyrighted materials may not be used or copied without the express written consent of the copyright holder (Fame For Good LLC). This agreement describes the uses which you are permitted to make of the materials on this site.
You are licensed by Fame For Good LLC to use materials on this site for non-commercial, educational, and personal purposes only. You may download and/or copy these materials for personal or professional use, provided the copies retain all applicable copyright and trademark notices. This license is not exclusive to you, and you may not transfer it. Items such as media releases, op-eds, features, and all other documents on this site, if reproduced in compliance with these Terms of Use, must be credited to the author (if named) and to the Fame For Good LLC.
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