If you have a service that includes phone calls, you will receive access to the appropriate scheduling calendar.
The times displayed on the calendar reflect the company's true availability, therefore if there are no days/times that work for you, please do your best to make something work. If there is truly nothing you can do, then you may reach out to your assigned company representative to attempt to manually schedule another day/time.
Please remember that it is your responsibility to schedule and make use of these calls. The calls are provided on a first come, first served basis, and your time does not roll over. Therefore, we recommend that you schedule your calls in advance as soon as you receive the reminder email(s).
We want the very best experience for you. Please try not to reschedule your scheduled appointments. If an extremely unusual situation occurs and you need to reschedule, please give us as much advance notice as possible. As with any professional service business, a minimum 24-hour notice is expected.
Please understand that when you cancel or reschedule calls, you run the risk of forfeiting calls for the month if no further time slots are available.
Strategy calls vary from 30-90 minutes. If you call later than the scheduled time, the call will still end at the originally designated finish time, as we have clients scheduled before and after your call.
In preparation for our calls, we ask that you complete a Progress Form, at least 48 hours in advance of the call. This will allow the company representative ample time to review and prepare to bring the most value to your session. This form will be emailed to you upon scheduling.
Please call from a quiet place to concentrate on our work together. (Please do not eat or do anything else when you’re being coached. You won’t get as much value.)
And, of course, please be on time.
Before your session, you should be informed of how the call will be conducted. In case of an issue, please email your Assigned Company Representative or post in the Program Facebook Group.
You may request recordings of your sessions. Please let the representative know before the call beings if you would like access to the recording.